Disk duplicator is considered deprecated

It's history, disadvantages and alternative

Opinion Deprecated


验证需主动发送短信,还必须下载官方 APP,最后要求扫脸,血压升高

Opinion Email Deprecated

Summary of window state restore on desktop

Restore what? Where to store? Cautions? It's all here!

Note Windows Linux Electron

Draft of Mono Client Project

Only a draft for fun

Note Linux

Right path to use new glibc on old Linux

The easy path, best practice

Note Linux

Linux 笔电的所谓省电技巧


Opinion Linux

Android 腾讯 TIM 迁移 QQ 指北


Note Android Linux

消费级 Android on Windows 是没有前途的

对于 Win11 WSA 计划停止支持的看法

Note Windows Android

请停止滥用新 Web 标准特性


Opinion Tutorial Web Browser JavaScript

Rescuing data from offline sites

Dump localStorage and indexedDB when the site is inaccessible

Tutorial Web Browser