kk 对耳机主动降噪功能的体验与评价


Note Audio

无需 node-gyp 的 Node.js 原生插件

600 KiB 依赖, 任意编译器, 以及额外的无需 NAPI 的方法

Code JavaScript CPP

Node.js native addon without node-gyp

600 KiB deps, any compiler, and extra methods without NAPI

Code JavaScript CPP

独立便携版 MSVC

用于测试,CI 等

Note C CPP

Standalone and portable MSVC

For testing, CI and more

Note C CPP

腾讯云安装 Fedora

使用 dd

Note Fedora Linux Cloud

优化 Git 仓库的额外提示


Note Git

Using hwmoncat, a tiny alternative to lm_sensors

Yeah, w/o lm_sensors and it's annoy dependencies

Code Linux Devices Power

Build Fedora ISO in 3 Commands

Custom for you

Tutorial Code Linux Docker

简陋的 Win on Linux 兼容方案


Tutorial Linux Windows QEMU