Using VSCode Web Server Variant
Last tested version is
, may become invalid in a future version.
As a tab on browser, more convenient. Haven't redundant services and GPU processs, less overhead.
Bypass Electron's IME issues on Linux Wayland (Electron 33 alpha fixed this).
Official extension market, not coder/code-server's market.
Not officially supported. See this issue.
Key shortcut conflicts, like
Ctrl + W
will close the browser tab (PWA mode fixes this).
Download and extract
(or server-win32-x64-web
and others).
Then use bin/code-server(.bat)
or write a custom
cd $(dirname $0)
UV_USE_IO_URING=0 node out/server-main.js --accept-server-license-terms --host --port 8109 --connection-token=hello
And here's a patch.js
to workaround some issues like offline webview, see comments for details:
import fs from "node:fs";
if (!fs.existsSync("out/server-cli.js")) throw new Error("working dir wrong");
const patch = (filePath, replaceList) => {
const bakPath = filePath + `.bak`;
if (!fs.existsSync(bakPath)) fs.renameSync(filePath, bakPath);
let content = fs.readFileSync(bakPath).toString();
for (const [from, to] of replaceList) {
const testFn = from instanceof RegExp ? "match" : "includes";
const replaceFn = from instanceof RegExp ? "replace" : "replaceAll";
if (!content[testFn](from))
console.error("patch entry not found", { from, to });
content = content[replaceFn](from, to);
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content);
patch("out/vs/code/browser/workbench/workbench.js", [
// > src/vs/workbench/services/environment/browser/environmentService.ts
[`"https://{{uuid}}{{quality}}/{{commit}}`, `baseUrl+"`], // Replace entry url with local server to allow offline work (for webview)
// > src/vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/browser/extensions.contribution.ts
[/(?<="extensions.autoUpdate":\{.+?,default:).+?,/, "false,"], // Set "extensions.autoUpdate" default = false. Because the "User Settings" is store in browser (indexedDB), so if you open a page in a fresh incognito window, the update progress will start unexpectedly
patch("out/vs/workbench/contrib/webview/browser/pre/index.html", [
// > src/vs/workbench/contrib/webview/browser/pre/index.html
[/\'sha256.+?\'/, "'unsafe-inline'"], // Modify CSP (for webview)
[/\.padStart\(52.+?\)/, "&&location.hostname"], // Bypass hostname vertify (for webview)
const spdlogDir = "node_modules/@vscode/spdlog";
fs.rmSync(spdlogDir + "/build", { recursive: true, force: true });
fs.writeFileSync(spdlogDir + "/package.json", '{"version":"99.0.0"}\n'); // the overwrite here can deal with the type:"module" in future
const spdlogIndexJs = () => {
const fs = require("node:fs");
const path = require("node:path");
function Logger(name, filepath) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(filepath), { recursive: true });
const fd = fs.openSync(filepath, "a");
const write = (v) =>
fs.write(fd, "[" + + "] " + v.trimEnd() + "\n", () => {});
this.debug = = this.warn = write;
this.error = this.critical = this.trace = write;
this.getLevel = () => 2;
this.setLevel = this.setPattern = this.clearFormatters = () => {};
this.flush = () => fs.fsync(fd, () => {});
this.drop = () => fs.close(fd);
const create = (name, filepath, maxSize, maxFiles) =>
new Promise((resolve) => resolve(new Logger(name, filepath)));
exports.createAsyncRotatingLogger = exports.createRotatingLogger = create;
exports.setLevel = exports.setFlushOn = () => {};
exports.version = 11100;
fs.writeFileSync(spdlogDir + "/index.js", `(${spdlogIndexJs.toString()})()`);
// node --experimental-default-type=module patch.js; rm -rf ./extensions/markdown-language-features ./node_modules/vsda ./node_modules/@xterm/addon-ligatures ./node_modules/@vscode/tree-sitter-wasm ./node_modules/@vscode/vsce-sign ./node_modules/@vscode/vscode-languagedetection ~/.vscode-server/data/Cached* ~/.vscode-server/extensions/*/jre/ ~/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-*/pythonFiles/lib/python/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/pydevd_attach_to_process/ ~/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-*/out/client/*
There's a bug that caused UI freezed when entering debug after
. (UPDATED) Patch merged into mainline.Can not install extensions after Node.js 21. (UPDATED) Patch merged into mainline.
NAN addons like node-spdlog and node-pty may needs recompiling, you can use a faked spdlog in above
, and daniel-brenot's node-pty fork. (UPDATED) Patch merged into mainline in node-pty with NAPI.